Monday, October 5, 2009

Chocolate and Beauty Obsessions Merge

Your chocolate and beauty obsessions can now be combined in one little square...

All the press about the antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate had already removed any guilt we might have about eating a sweet treat. After all, it's almost a necessary part of our anti-aging routine based on all of the claims.

Now a new product on the market takes it to another level, calling itself the "healthy chocolate." Xocai, offers not only the antioxidant benefits but also says it can increase energy levels and lead to lasting weight loss.

I found out that 3 Xocai power squares are equivalent in nutrients to two and a half pounds of fruit and veggies and besides it's benefits on skin and anti-aging it also has a good effect on blood pressure, mental ability and the list goes on and on. Quite a convincing case ...even though they already had me at chocolate!

Apparently what makes Xocai different than other dark chocolates on the market is the processing system. Most "healthy" chocolate is heat pressed which destroys 75 to 80% of the vital nutrients in cacao. But Xocai combines raw, unprocessed cacao from the Ivory Coast of Africa with the acai berry of the Amazon rainforest which are two of the highest rated antioxidant food sources in the world. And it is then cold pressed so it results in a gourmet dark chocolate which retains 100% of the vital nutrients.

You buy Xocai from a distributor It's available in boxes of squares that have different formulations and retail for about $150.00. They also offer cookies, bars and shakes. In our area you can buy it from The Healthy Chocolate Chick at your local resource for specials on beauty services as well as the latest information on beauty, health and fitness with a local twist.

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